How to Find Out Who Wrote a Google Review?

If you’re a business owner, you have experienced a negative review that you suspect is fake. You have tried to know who is posted to your business.

In this post, I will show you how do you find out who wrote that review, and how to respond to negative reviews in professionally.

Important to know who wrote a Google Review

Knowing who wrote a Google review can be important for a number of reasons. First, it can help you determine if the review is genuine or fake. If you suspect a fake review, knowing the author can help you take action to have it removed.

Additionally, if a reviewer has had multiple negative experiences with your business, it may be an opportunity to address those issues and improve your customer service.

How to find out who wrote a Google review?

There are a few ways to identify the author of a Google review:

Reviewer’s name and profile picture

The first step is to check the reviewer’s name and profile picture. If the reviewer used their real name and picture, you can try searching for them on social media or other online platforms. This can give you a better idea of who they are and whether their review is genuine.

However, many reviewers use pseudonyms or fake profile pictures, making this method less reliable.

Look for clues in the review itself

The review itself may contain clues as to the author’s identity. For example, they may mention specific details about their experience that only someone who was there would know.

Additionally, they may mention their job or other personal details that can help you identify them.

Check the reviewer’s other reviews

If the reviewer has left other reviews on Google, you can check those as well. This can give you a better idea of their overall perspective and whether their review of your business is an outlier or consistent with their other reviews.

Contact Google support

If all else fails, you can contact Google support and ask them to provide you with the reviewer’s contact information.

What to do if you suspect a fake review?

If you suspect a review is fake, there are a few steps you can take:

Flag the review

The first step is to flag the review as inappropriate or fake. To do this, click on the three dots next to the review and select “Flag as inappropriate.” Google will review the review and take appropriate action if they determine it violates their policies.

Respond to the review

If you believe the review is fake but Google does not remove it, you can respond to the review in a professional manner. Explain your side of the story and provide evidence if possible. Keep in mind that other potential customers may be reading your response.

So it’s important to stay calm and professional.

Consider legal action

If the review is defamatory or contains false information that harms your business, you may want to consider taking legal action.

How to respond to negative reviews?

Responding to negative reviews can be tricky, but it’s important to do so in a professional manner. Here are some tips for responding to negative reviews:

Stay calm and professional

It can be frustrating to receive a negative review, but it’s important to stay calm and professional in your response. Avoid getting defensive or angry, as this can make the situation worse.

Thank the reviewer

Thank the reviewer for their feedback, even if you disagree with their assessment. This shows that you value their opinion and are willing to listen to feedback.

Address the issue

Address the specific issue that the reviewer mentioned in their review. Provide an explanation if necessary and let the reviewer know what steps you’re taking to address the issue.

Offer a solution

Offer a solution to the issue if possible. This can show that you’re committed to resolving the problem and improving your customer service.

Encourage the reviewer to update their review

If you’ve addressed the issue to the reviewer’s satisfaction, encourage them to update their review. This can help offset the negative impact of the original review.


Identifying the author of a Google review can be a challenging task, but it’s important for businesses that want to maintain their online reputation. If you suspect a fake review, there are steps you can take to have it removed or respond in a professional manner. When responding to negative reviews, remember to stay calm and professional, address the issue, and offer a solution.


Can I sue someone for leaving a negative Google review?

It depends on the content of the review. If the review contains false information that harms your business, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.

Can I contact a reviewer directly?

No, Google does not provide contact information for reviewers.

Can I ask Google to remove a negative review?

Yes, you can flag a review as inappropriate or fake. Google will review the review and take appropriate action if they determine it violates their policies.

How can I encourage customers to leave positive reviews?

You can encourage customers to leave positive reviews by providing excellent customer service and asking satisfied customers to leave a review. You can also offer incentives, such as a discount or free product, for leaving a review.

How many reviews do I need on Google?

There’s no specific number of reviews you need on Google, but having a high number of positive reviews can improve your online reputation and attract new customers.

Can Google review be traced?

It is difficult to trace the author of a Google review, as reviewers are not required to provide identifying information. However, businesses can take steps to identify fake reviews, such as analyzing the language and timing of the review.

Additionally, businesses can respond to negative reviews in a professional manner to mitigate any potential damage to their online reputation. It is important for businesses to monitor their online reviews and take action when necessary to maintain a positive online presence.

Can a Google review be anonymous?

Yes, Google reviews can be anonymous as reviewers are not required to provide identifying information.

However, businesses can take steps to identify fake reviews by analyzing the language and timing of the review. It is important for businesses to monitor their online reviews and take action when necessary to maintain a positive online presence.

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